

【活動轉知】2024台灣半導體就業博覽會在高雄! 2024 Taiwan Semiconductor Job Fair in Kaohsiung!


Are you considering a career in Taiwan after graduation? Are you in search of internship opportunities?This job fair is exclusively tailored for Overseas Chinese and International Students, so be sure not to miss this event!

👉活動資訊Event Information

👉日期Date: April 27, 2024 (Saturday)

👉時間Time: 13:00-17:00 (12:30-13:00 Sign-in)

👉地點Venue: 國立高雄大學圖書資訊大樓1樓多媒體會議室

National University of Kaohsiung, Library and Information Building 1F Multi-media Room & Main Hall

👉與會企業Invited Companies:



12:00-12:30 Sign-in

12:30-12:40 Welcome address & video

12:40-14:10 Career Talk- Company presentation, Experience sharing

14:10-14:30 Break

14:30-17:00 Company interview

👉重要須知*Important Notice:

  1. 本活動主要語言為英文,歡迎國際生/僑生踴躍參加。

The primary language for this event is English, and we welcome all international and Overseas Chinese students to register.

  1. 成功註冊並上傳履歷的學生可能有機會與受邀公司進行面試,請按步驟進行

Students who successfully register and upload their CVs may have the opportunity for interviews with invited companies. To ensure you're considered, follow these steps:

  • 在2024年4月15日(星期一)中午12點前將您的履歷發送至 iei@iii.org.tw(可參考下載履歷模板NLC),遲交的履歷將不予受理

Send your CV by Monday, April 15, 2024, before 12 noon (you can also download the CV template and NLC and use it for your application) to iei@iii.org.tw. *Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

Specify your preferences for job vacancies you're interested in applying for. If your CV aligns with the companies' requirements and positions, an interview may be arranged during the sessions.

  • 詳細議程和面試時間表將會通知已註冊的學生

The detailed agenda and interview timetable will be communicated to the registered students at a later date.


  1. 成功註冊並積極參加活動的同學將能獲得精美餐盒。

A delicate pastry box will only be provided to participants who have successfully registered and actively participated in the job fair.



Lily Chen (Ms.)

資策會Institute for Information Industry (III)

