✨實習期間你應該知道的事 Things You Should Know During Your Internship …
1.實習保險 Internship Insurance :
Upon entering the workplace, in order to safeguard the students' learning rights and safety, in addition to the student group insurance paid during each semester's registration, the department will also arrange internship insurance for the students before their internships. If you are injured or hospitalized due to an accident, please follow the doctor's advice and take good rest. After recovery and return to the school, you can apply for withdrawal from the student insurance with the Health Care Division of the Office of Student Affairs, and also apply for the internship group insurance through your department.
2.實習輔導 Internship Counseling :
The school guidance teacher will understand the students' internship situations through on-site visits, phone interviews, communication software, and other means. The internship institution will also assign guidance teachers to care about your internship status, and if any student has any concerns, they can contact them at any time.
When entering the "Good Job Network," you need to watch videos related to labor rights and occupational safety to protect your own rights and safety.
3. 遵守職場倫理及相關管理規章 Adhere to workplace ethics and related management regulations
Before starting the internship, you should sign and carefully read the Workplace Internship Agreement. The contract represents the rights and obligations of both the employer and the employee, so please take it seriously. If the internship institution intends to sign a contract other than the Workplace Internship Agreement and you believe it may compromise your rights, you can consult the guidance teacher for their opinion before signing.
Participate earnestly in pre-employment training and occupational safety-related courses provided by the company. Follow the safety operation standards and adhere to the company's safety protocols, including wearing appropriate protective gear and undergoing health checks as required.
In the event of an emergency or dangerous situation during your duties, you can exercise “the right to retreat” by stopping the operation and immediately moving to a safe place to ensure your own safety. You should also inform the guidance teacher for assistance.
Maintain punctuality and observe work hours. Arrive on time and do not leave early. Follow the internship institution's guidelines for requesting leave. The working hours should not exceed 8 hours per day, and if overtime is required, it should be handled according to relevant regulations such as the Labor Standards Act.
Respect intellectual property rights and abide by the company's rules on confidentiality.
Do not spread negative information about the company or unfounded statements on the internet or blogs.
Maintain regular communication with the guidance teacher, including updates on rotation locations and job responsibilities.
If you are unable to comply with the arrangements made by the internship institution for some reason, it is important to proactively inform the guidance teacher and the department for further discussion.
If you need to document your internship process through photographs or other means, seek permission from colleagues or supervisors.
Submit internship reports or reflections as required by the department, guidance teacher, and/or the internship institution, in accordance with the department's regulations.
✨職場勞動及安全權益需知 Workplace Labor and Safety Rights Awareness
Common abnormal internship events are as follows. Please follow the established Handling mechanisms and complete the " Workplace Internship Abnormal Incident Handling Record Form." Thoroughly document the reasons for the abnormal events and provide details about the subsequent counseling and resolution process, facilitating later tracking and verification.
👬 性別平等爭議 Gender Equality Disputes 👭
【性騷擾Sexual Harassment】
Sexual harassment refers to any unwanted verbal or behavioral actions, either explicit or implicit, that have sexual connotations or involve gender discrimination. It can result in undermining a person's dignity and performance, and may even affect their access to, loss of, or reduction in their rights related to education or employment conditions.
【性侵害Sexual Assault】
Sexual assault refers to engaging in indecent or sexual acts, such as molestation or sexual intercourse, against someone's will, using coercion, intimidation, or other methods without their consent. It involves forcing sexual desires and power onto another person, and it is considered sexual assault when performed on individuals under the age of 16 as well.
【性霸凌Sexual Bullying】
Sexual bullying refers to behaviors where individuals use language, physical actions, or other forms of violence to demean, attack, or threaten others based on their gender characteristics, gender traits, sexual orientation, or gender identity. It involves actions that aim to degrade or intimidate individuals in relation to their sexual aspects or identities.
實習處理機制 Internship Handling Mechanism
❗️明確拒絕 Explicit Rejection❗️
When encountering a gender equality incident, you should clearly communicate your feelings and ask the other party to stop the behavior.
❗️紀錄蒐證 Record Collection and Documentation❗️
Detailed account of the incident and feelings at the time, and keep relevant records or dialogue transcripts.
Encourage witnesses or other victims of similar incidents to come forward.
Fill out the university's record form for abnormal internship events.
❗️通報所屬主管及學校實習輔導老師 Report to your immediate supervisor and the school guidance teacher❗️
Inform the school guidance teacher and your immediate supervisor about the incident and provide relevant documentation and evidence.
The school's teacher should report the incident to the campus safety center within 24 hours upon being informed.
The internship institution has the responsibility to prevent and address workplace sexual harassment. Complaints can be filed through the internship institution's internal channels to the supervisor, who should take immediate and effective corrective measures upon being informed. If the matter is not properly addressed, complaints can be escalated to the relevant local authority.
❗️必要時可選擇終止實習 When necessary, you may choose to terminate the internship❗️
❗️拒絕成為加害者 Refuse to become an offender ❗️
❗️應尊重他人身體自主權及決定權,否則將可能承擔刑事責任或民事賠償 Respect others' bodily autonomy and decision-making, as failing to do so may lead to criminal liability or civil compensation. ❗️
⚠️實習勞動權益爭議、適應不良 Internship labor rights disputes and adaptation difficulties.⚠️
For work type internships, as interns hold both worker and student status, the internship salary should not be lower than the annual minimum wage standard (NTD 27,470 per month or NTD 183 per hour for the year 113). Interns should also be covered by labor and health insurance, and contribute to the labor pension. For summer internships, insurance can be arranged based on the students' willingness.
For general type internships, please note that the work should be limited to the scope of the internship training program and should not involve providing labor or work outside the scope of the learning and training curriculum.
Workers should have at least a 30-minute break after working continuously for 4 hours. Within a 7-day period, they should have one rest day and one day off.
Interns should follow the arrangements stated in the internship contract and acceptance notice, including internship salary, scholarships, accommodation and meals, shift schedules, leave, internship locations, and job duties.
Encountering unreasonable demands, a mismatch in corporate culture and personal expectations, and difficulty adapting to the work environment, including challenges in integrating into the corporate team. Please promptly communicate these issues to both the internship organization's mentoring teacher and the school counseling teacher for guidance.
If you find the internship unsuitable and wish to terminate it, please provide the employer with prior notice according to Article 16 of the Labor Standards Act. Interns should handle the handover procedures with integrity and in a responsible manner.
實習處理機制 Internship Handling Mechanism
A.與主管溝通 Communicate with the supervisor.
If there are abnormalities or concerns in the work, you can report to or seek advice from the supervisor and determine the appropriate timing for handling the situation.
B.通報學校實習輔導老師 Report to the school guidance teacher.
Please make proper records of the incident and report it to both the school guidance teacher and the industry guidance teacher.
C. 查證及提出改善措施 Verify and Propose Improvement Measures
Guidance teachers are required to assist in verification, consult with the internship institution to develop improvement plans, and propose guidance and improvement measures.
D. 爭議未獲改善 Unresolved Disputes
If no improvement is achieved, a department-level internship committee meeting will be convened, and if necessary, it will be submitted for review to the university-level internship committee.
If both the student and the internship institution agree with the decision made in the relevant meeting, the student will continue the internship at the original institution.
If an agreement cannot be reached, the termination process will be carried out in accordance with the terms of the internship agreement.
🆘職安、上下班意外、境外緊急事故 Occupational Safety, Commuting Accidents, Overseas Emergencies 🆘
If accidents occur during work or commuting, they are considered occupational accidents.
When performing job duties, please follow the safety operation standards of the internship institution and wear appropriate safety protective equipment as required.
In the event of an immediate danger while performing duties, you may exercise the "right to retreat" for your safety.
Adhere to safety regulations
In electronic, mechanical, chemical, and other manufacturing industries where fires, explosions, chemical poisoning, corrosions, burns, cuts, and entanglements commonly occur, familiarize yourself with and abide by the on-site safety operation standards and procedures.
Before using hazardous chemicals, inspect the hazard labels on the chemical containers, understand the hazard information, and use covered containers, ventilation equipment, as well as respiratory protection and gloves according to on-site regulations.
When working at heights, take necessary protective measures. Before entering confined spaces such as manholes, pits, or tanks with oxygen deficiency or toxic hazards, ensure proper ventilation and gas monitoring. Wear appropriate protective equipment and continuously introduce fresh air during the operation.
Do not operate unfamiliar machinery, and for machinery without safety devices, inform the employer or on-site supervisor to make necessary improvements promptly (e.g., installing guards, railings, safety interlock devices, etc.).
實習處理機制 Internship Handling Mechanism
Please seek immediate medical treatment and cooperate with relevant emergency response measures.
Report to the school guidance teacher
The individual or other students should immediately inform their parents, the school, the school guidance teacher, the industry guidance teacher, and the Campus Safety Center about the accident or occupational injury to understand the situation and seek assistance.
Keep relevant documents for insurance claims.
Please provide diagnostic certificates, receipts, and other information to apply for insurance claims from both the internship institution and the school.
If there are significant concerns about workplace safety and health, if necessary, consider providing internship counseling and terminating the internship. Please inform the Alumni Center without hesitation to avoid future cooperation with the uncooperative internship partners throughout the whole school.
If the workplace does not comply with the relevant regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, you can file a complaint or report to the labor inspection agency.
【境外實習緊急事故 Overseas Internship Emergency 】
Contact the local contact person or the internship institution nearby and inform them about the situation. Also, contact your department (or school), guidance teacher, and parents.
必要時可向警察局或駐外單位求助,「外交部緊急聯絡中心」全年無休、24 小時輪值,聯繫處理旅外國人急難救助事件(「旅外國人緊急服務專線」電話 0800- 085-095【諧音「您幫我、您救我」】,海外付費請撥+886-800-085-095【當地國國際碼】)。
If necessary, seek help from the police station or the foreign representative office. The "Emergency Call Center" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs operates 24/7 and handles emergency assistance for foreigners ("Foreigners' Emergency Service Hotline" at 0800-085-095, the international code for overseas calls is +886-800-085-095).
✨實習生安全保障 Intern Safety Assurance
Pre-Employment Safety and Health Training:At least 3 hours of training for new personnel.
Standard Operating Safety Procedures:Interns must understand safety precautions before operating machinery and equipment.
Implementation of 6S Activities to improve work efficiency and prevent occupational hazards:
- 整理(SEIRI):區分必要與非必要物品,清除不必要的物品。
Seiri (Sort): Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary items, removing the latter.
- 整頓(SEITON):將物品規劃好位置,確保拿取方便。
Seiton (Set in Order): Organize items properly to ensure easy access.
- 清掃(SEISO):保持工作環境整潔,定期清理設備與空間。
Seiso (Shine): Maintain a clean work environment by regularly cleaning equipment and spaces.
- 清潔(SEIKETSU):確保整理、整頓、清掃的持續性,使環境維持標準化。
Seiketsu (Standardize): Ensure the consistency of sorting, organizing, and cleaning to maintain standardized conditions.
- 安全(SECURITY):重視作業環境的安全性,降低事故風險。
Security (Safety): Prioritize workplace safety and minimize the risk of accidents.
- 素養(SHITSU):培養良好的工作習慣,讓 6S 成為企業文化的一部分。
Shitsu (Sustain): Cultivate good work habits, making 6S an integral part of corporate culture.
Protective Safety Equipment:Do not remove or disable protective devices.
5.未成年保護:未滿18歲不得從事危險性或有害性工作 (如高溫、易燃、缺氧…等危害工作場所作業) 。
Protection for Minors:Individuals under 18 are prohibited from engaging in hazardous or dangerous work (e.g., high temperatures, flammable environments, oxygen-deficient areas, etc.).
Appropriate Working Hours:Daily working hours must not exceed 8 hours, and weekly hours must not exceed 40 hours. With the intern's consent, working hours may be extended, but total daily working hours (including regular hours) must not exceed 12 hours, and monthly overtime must not exceed 46 hours.
Safety Protection Measures: Provide necessary personal protective equipment.

✨實習生安全危害 Intern Safety Hazards
【住宿及餐飲業Accommodation and Catering Industry】
Keep hands clear of the entry and exit areas of sealing machines.
In case of an emergency, immediately press the emergency stop button.
After replacing the gas, conduct a leak test to confirm no leakage.
- 點燃酒精膏(塊)時,使用長型點火槍;酒精膏(塊)不足時,直接更換器皿;添加酒精膏(塊)時,確認火源已完全熄滅。
When igniting alcohol gel (blocks), use a long flame lighter; if the alcohol gel (block) is insufficient, directly replace the container; ensure the flame is completely extinguished before adding more alcohol gel (blocks).
Keep floor drainage systems dry, and ensure personnel wear non-slip shoes and other protective gear.
Properly place knives in a knife rack or attach them to sheaths, and avoid placing them on the edge of tables.
【批發零售業Wholesale and Retail Industry】
Use mechanical handling to replace manual labor.
Use qualified ladders and work platforms.
- 適當的裝箱包膜、配戴防穿刺手套、正確的抬舉方式、易碎品張貼標示。
Ensure proper boxing and wrapping, wear puncture-resistant gloves, use correct lifting techniques, and label fragile items.
- 貨物堆疊時避免堆疊過高,通道應清除障礙物,保持暢通。
When stacking goods, avoid excessive height; keep aisles free of obstacles to ensure smooth passage.
【製造業Manufacturing Industry】
Personnel should not enter the moving range of machinery; immediately stop equipment if abnormalities occur.
When adjusting machinery, turn off the power, disconnect it, and lock it with a tag.
Avoid wearing loose clothing and prohibit wearing gloves when operating drilling machines.
Grinders should have shields and emergency stop devices in place.
Do not open electrical boxes casually, and avoid touching them with wet hands.

✨常見不合格安全衛生設備及措施Common Non-Compliant Safety and Health Equipment and Measures

✨實習生租屋安全注意事項 Intern Housing Safety Precautions
1.建築物具有共同門禁管制出入口且有鎖具。 Building with Shared Access Control and Locks.
Ensure Residential Security. Residents should collectively follow access control regulations to maintain a safe living environment
Check Lock Functionality. Regularly inspect entrance locks to ensure they are functioning properly and not damaged.
2.建築物内或週邊停車場所設有照明。 Lighting Installation in Parking Areas Within or Around Buildings.
To ensure the safety and security of individuals returning late, parking areas within or around buildings should be equipped with either sensor-activated or fixed lighting.
3.建築物建材的安全性。 Safety of Building Materials.
If the partitions are made of wood or corrugated metal, the building’s fire resistance will be relatively poor.
4.辨別是否為高密度租賃建築物且房東是否有辦理公安申報 。
Identifying High-Density Rental Buildings and Checking Landlord’s Public Safety Reporting
- 任一樓層是否分間為6個以上使用單元或設置10個以上床位之居室者。
Check whether any floor is divided into six or more units or has a room with ten or more beds.
- 如是,應請房東辦理建築物公共安全檢查申報;300m2(含)以上;每2年1次;300m2(含)以下:每4年1次。
If so, the landlord should conduct a public safety inspection and report for the building: For buildings of 300m² or more: once every two years. For buildings under 300m²: once every four years.
5.滅火器功能正常。 Proper Functioning of Fire Extinguishers.
- 每一層樓至少裝設一具滅火器,並放置陰暗處,避免太陽直曬。
Each floor should have at least one fire extinguisher, placed in a shaded area to avoid direct sunlight.
- 定期檢視其壓力表處於「綠色壓力」充足位置,依法每3年滅火器藥粉須回收檢查。
Regularly check that the pressure gauge is in the "green pressure" zone. According to regulations, the extinguisher’s powder must be inspected and replaced every three years.
Water Heater Installation Requirements to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
- 瓦斯型:建議安装於室外,若安裝於室內須有強制排氣裝置。
Gas-powered heaters: It is recommended to install them outdoors. If installed indoors, a forced exhaust system must be in place.
Electric heaters: Must be equipped with a leakage protection device.
Installation of Fire Alarms or Residential Fire Detectors.
Each rental floor must be equipped with a fire alarm. Additionally, installing a residential fire detector in each room is recommended for maximum safety.
Keeping Escape Routes Clear and Exit Signs Visible
Escape routes must remain free of obstructions and always be accessible. For maximum safety, there should be at least two to three exits, with clear signage
Awareness of Escape Routes and Emergency Procedures.
An emergency escape route map should be installed, and evacuation drills should be conducted.
- 清楚逃生通道、逃生要領、出入口方向及遇火警時的應變措施等。
Residents should be familiar with escape routes, evacuation procedures, exit directions, and fire emergency response measures.

🔻網路資源Online Resources🔻
1.勞基法權益相關簡介 Introduction to Labor Standards Act Right:https://www.mol.gov.tw/topic/3066
2.職災案例下載 Download Occupational Accident Case Studies:https://www.osha.gov.tw/1106/1196/10141/10157/
3.性別平等工作法相關權益 Gender Equality Employment Act and Related Rights:https://www.mol.gov.tw/1607/28162/28166/28268/nodelist
4.高雄市政府勞工局宣導Youtube Kaohsiung City Government Labor Bureau YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzw546oirf8_shxEoNf6XIQ
5.全民勞教e網新手雇主指南 Kaohsiung City Government Labor Bureau YouTube Channel:https://labor-elearning.mol.gov.tw/co_topic.php?topic=16&item=8